Offering Private Humanship & Horsemanship Sessions
Winter hours are limited December - April and are weather dependent.
Email Anna to schedule your private session.
Working on YOU: Private Humanship Opportunities
While working in the medical model of Mental Health, I realized there were some major barriers and flaws within the medical model. Here are a couple:
Big Barrier: Access.
I won't lie, big insurance irritates the heck outta me and was my number one frustration when working in the medical model. I always questioned why some insurance company could dictate what and when and how their clients recieved benefits. In network, out of network, duration, providers, blah blah blah! It all got in the way for people wanting to explore the things that were keepng them from experiencing the JOY of life. When my clients decided they wanted to visit with a provider to do a little self care, exploration and development, it seems like they had to call and get on a long, long waiting list to first have some type of assessment to even qualify for services. That felt wrong and very disempowering to me.
My Solution: Private Pay
When I created my private practice and opened my arena doors in 2017, the first thing I did was delete insurance from the recipe of Self Care. All of my sessions are private pay. Some clients do access their Health Savings Accounts to pay for services and that is something I welcome you to check out. There are no hoops to jump through, nothing to prove to why and what you want. Clients are able to contact me directly and we get to work figuring some SH*T out.
Speaking of figuring SH*T out: one of my core beliefs and a cornerstone of my practice is that YOU have the answers to your decisions, needs, wants, desires, troubles, joys and everything in between. I simply stand with you shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart and guide you to finding them. Yep. It really is that simple. Oh, and of course the horses are a huge part of this process. You will never forget the answers found with the help of these incredible souls. There's a lot of providers of different modalities out there that provide "do what I say" service. That's not me. You're not going to get any long to-do lists from me or advice on how to fix whatever you've got going on. Nope, I belive that YOU got what you need and I help you tap into your empowerment.
Big Barrier #2: Long term treatment plans focused on talking it out.
Talk therapy has a wonderful place in the world. It's cathartic and allows us the time and space to cognitively speak about concerns, issues, pains, irritations, joys, loves, conflcitions and a host of other human emotional things. We can create goals and accountability plans and find truths. However,talk therapy does not always get to the root of what is up for us. What is gnawing at us truly lives in the body. Remember a time you were scared? Where did you feel that? In your head or in the pit of your stomach? How about love? Do you feel that love in your head or does the love for your soulmate or soulpony thump rapidly in your chest? If you're feeling what I'm laying down, this experiential process is totally gonna be right up your alley.
And I do belive that talking about our stuff has a time and a place but when we talk about it and don't find the release or the answers we are looking for, we may be missing a piece. Treatment plans in the medical model are often months if not years of reoccuring appointments. That takes a lot of time and energy and let's get real: one thing they don't make more of is time.
My Solution: Experiental Process
My sessions with or without the horses are experiential and really focus on what is blocking or keeping you from what you want or what is downright hurting you and how to find shifts, clarity, empowerment, and wholeness. Now I get it, that seems open ended and vauge. So here's another way to put it: we are not gonna talk about what is up, we are going to experience some things with the help of a horse and my coaching style to get you feeling more authentic and empowered.
We start with one session. With or without the horses and go from there. Sessions are 90 minutes in length and are so shifiting. No horse experience is necessary and we will NOT ride the horses. New clients will partner with my herd, and returning clients may choose to arrange to work with their own horse. If you've got questions about this, give me call.
Do I see youth?
Depends. I'd rather see their parent. Or see them in conjunction with their parent. If I do seekids, it's young people 11+ and at a minimum of 3 times (1 hour sessions). I know kids and I know how rapport works. We gotta build that trust to dig into whats up. The kids that do well with me: ones that have tried talk therapy and aren't into it, the ones that self harm, the over achievers and the under achievers. The angry teens. Yea, they do really well in the barn and find a lot of release in this process. The ones who are "fitter outers" and can't quite find their space amongst peers. And others. If you've got a question about your kid, give me a shout and we'll talk.
Do I see couples?
Depends. Each participant has to be willing to do the work. I can't force anyone to participate. My advice: Start with you and go from there.
I love standing with people who choose to work on self: it's amazing to watch! If this work is speaking to you, schedule a time to visit with me about whatever questions you have or book a session and meet me in the barn.
Working on YOUR HORSE: Private Horsemanship Opportunities
Check back soon for more info! This page is a work in progress and I'm adding all the time. ​
Do I offer private horsemanship sessions?
Yes, get ahold of me.